Tuesday, June 25, 2013

700 GFC Follower Giveaway!

Before I get onto the really good stuff, as per my usual routine, I have a sappy speech for you!
I'm sure many of you don't want to read anything and just want to get into entering, and that's fine. Just know that I thank you so much for your continuous support on my blog. I know I'm not the largest out there or even that popular, but to be where I am now is something I didn't think would happen a year ago. I'm sure most of us bloggers feel this way and this just sounds repetitive, but with every 100, 50, or even 10 new followers I get, I'm reminded of how far I've come and how happy I am doing what I do. I love getting such warm and reassuring comments from you guys. I know I've been slacking in replying and commenting back lately (I always try to answer questions, however) and I appreciate that you keep coming back and supporting me anyway! Without further ado, I thank you all so much. You are much more than just a number to me, you guys are reason I continue to blog. 
Thank you, thank you, thank you. Now get your entries in and I wish you the best of luck!!

If you have any questions regarding the giveaway (or anything else), feel free to send me a message via my Contact Form!

• Must be publicly following via GFC.

• This giveaway is open to United States & Canada shipping addresses only.
If you're an international reader, you can enter and win if you have someone in the US or Canada who I can ship the prize to. 
EDIT: If you're willing to chip in for the shipping cost, an arrangement could be made to ship internationally.

• Must 'Like' my Facebook Page.
If you do not have a Facebook, put in the form "No Facebook" to unlock the other options. This entry will not count. Meaning if you are chosen for the Facebook entry, I will choose another person. However, if any other entry of yours is chosen, this entry will not disqualify you as it would if you submitted the entry with your name but did not Like the page.

• Must be 18+ OR have parental / legal guardian(s) permission to give out your address.

• Any incomplete and/or invalid entries will disqualify you.

• If I do not receive a reply within 48 hours of sending the email, another winner will be chosen.

• Once the prize is mailed out, I am no longer responsible for the items or any damages that may occur during transit.

• This giveaway begins June 25th, 2013 and ends on July 26th, 2013.

• La Couleur Couture "1957", "1960", "1963", "1977", and "1992".
• Darling Diva Polish "Lucky Star", "Material Girl", and "Love Don't Live Here Anymore".
• Born Pretty Store $20 Voucher
Approximate Value: $217
• 2 MASH Nail Art Pens (Black & White)
• Mod Lacquer "Kosmik Karma" & minis "Star Seeds", "8-Bit Digits", and "Nonpareils".
• Mint Polish "Ming", "Esmeralda", and "Original Mint".
Approximate Value: $130
For a closer look at the prizes, check here!


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*The prizes in this giveaway have been generously sponsored by the companies listed.
Be sure to drop by their pages and give a big thank you for their generosity!