I am entirely in love with Flip Flop Fantasy (Thank you, Traci!) and this picture doesn't do either of these
polishes justice because they're both so gorgeous and a little hard to capture on camera.
I used:
(Snow Globe, Nova, Flip Flop Fantasy)
I used Flip Flop Fantasy and for the accent nail I used about three coats of Nova and one coat of Snow Globe.
Snow Globe
P.S, I used the Elmer's Glue method that I saw Jayne post about and I am so impressed!
I couldn't help but think it was too good to be true, but the glitter polish peeled right off, no hassle, no damage!
ANDDD.. for those of you who don't know, it's a very awesome person's birthday today!
(Which would also be dad's birthday.. but I mean another awesome person!)
Be sure to visit her at drinkcitra.com and give her lots of birthday love!
She's such an amazing person & blogger and deserves lots of birthday wishes.
Love youuu! ♥
Thanks for reading!