Monday, August 27, 2012

First Time Winning A Giveaway!

For those of you who don't know, I recently won Jayne's (CosmeticProof) Smith Farms Marshmallow Face Cream giveaway!
If for any reason you aren't following her, go go go!

Before anything, I'd like to say thank you so much to Jayne for being more than generous. 
As if it wasn't enough to host a giveaway (and many others, hehe) but she was also soo sweet and threw in so many extra goodies with such a sweet note! I'd also like to say that I do consider you a real friend and I'm so glad to have your friendship! (:

I felt like a little kid on Christmas! My mom even commented on how she was happy to see me so excited.
She also said that it's like my birthday already! Haha. (Next month!)

 Everything was packed so nicely and securely.
(and might I say it's nice to get a card that spells my name right? 
Yes, some family members are still writing 'Krista' on Christmas cards..even after nearly 17 years. Haha.)

For the giveaway, I won the Smith Farms Marshmallow Face Cream. 
That would be the bottle in the middle surrounded by all of the goodies!
I haven't got to try it out on my face yet, as I just got it, but I'm so excited to. I did try a little bit on my hand and it feels so light and smells so good! I feel like it almost has a citrus "candy" smell to it, I love it! Jayne wrote a lovely review on it here. It feels like a little would go a long way, too. I can't wait to try all of the goodies. I did try out the Burt's Bees lip shimmer since it really intrigued me and I love it! I'm so excited to try out everything else too.
Once again, thank you so much, Jayne. I appreciate all of the extras and I can't wait to try out the face cream.

Thanks for reading!


  1. Congratulations on winning, you got soooo many lovely items :D

    Hope you'll stop by my blog and enter my giveaway too :) for a chance to win MAC & Sophia With Love goodies


    1. Thank you, she was so generous!
      Thank you for letting me know about it! (:

  2. Wowza look at all that loot! Congrats on winning!

  3. Congrats! I hope all those products work out well :)

  4. Aww so awesome, Christa! Congrats on winning and everything looks amazing!!
    omg you're birthday is next month?? What day? I'm a September baby too lol :D

    1. Thanks so much, Traci! It's definitely awesome, and such a surprise. I didn't expect it to come today.
      It is! September 17th, oh my gosh that's awesome! What day is yours?

    2. Cool! Mine is on the 19th! So close! lol

  5. She definitely is, I was so surprised! Me too, I'm excited to try it out!

  6. Ahhh! I didn't see this until now! I'm so glad you liked everything! Man, the way you put everything makes me want to go out and buy all that stuff for myself! I consider you a real friend as well which is something I didn't expect at all when I started blogging! You may be a good 10 years younger than me, but I feel like we were plucked off the same tree a decade apart. Believe me, if you ever come up to Canada, you are more than welcome to stay with me!

    1. Haha, I actually didn't expect it either, but I'm so glad its happened. (:
      Awww, that really made me aww out loud!
      Thanks so much, Jayne. I appreciate that, you're so sweet and such an amazing person! Lots of hugs from your blonde friend in Florida :D haha.

  7. Congrats on winning that awesome giveaway! I found your blog through the Followers to Friends hop, I'm following now! I'd love for you to check out my blog xx
    Beauty by T

    1. Thanks so much!
      Awesome, thank you, I've followed you back! (:

  8. wow it must have been soo exciting and fun for you to win such awesome stuff! i love the sinful colors nail polish. luv your blog!

    Lots of Luv from Ruth
    i'm following you :)
    Please check out my blog and follow if you like :)

    1. It was! Me too, they're cheap and most of them are really good.
      Thank you for following! I've followed you back. (:

    2. sounds cool, i'll try to look for one similar to the color of yours :)
      thanks a million for following! :)

  9. That's so exciting!
    I just gave you the Liebster Blog Award on my blog! Check it out!

    1. It is! :D
      Oh wow, thank you! I'm trying to figure out how to work it in because I did it previously and I've been awarded a few more times since then haha. Thank you so much!

  10. Hey :) I awarded your with The Sunshine Award. More details here xx


Thank you to each and every one of you who follow my blog. Whether you're a one time visitor or a daily reader, I appreciate the time you spend. I love every single supportive comment that I receive from all of you, it never goes unnoticed. ♥