Thursday, July 26, 2012

Back from 'Vacation'!

I realized I kind of left without notice and I wanted to make a post to explain why I've been absent.
I went to visit my best friend who lives about 1-2 hours from where I am now. (I moved)
She picked me up Saturday and I couldn't really find a good time to make a post that I'd be gone.

Anyway! It was kind of a vacation for me, we spent a lot of time on the water (where I got a lot of sunburn, luckily it's not bad- guessing that's cause I wore three layers of sunscreen each time, haha.)

I had a really great time and it was awesome to see her since the last time I did was in March.
Hoping to go back soon. (:

Also, I'm currently waiting for mail and I'm excited to do a haul / collective haul post for all of the stuff I've got lately! I'm also helping Amber (the one I was visiting) start up a blog so hopefully we get that finished soon. :D

I think that pretty much concludes it.. can't wait to start posting again!

Thanks for reading!


  1. Glad you're back and can't wait to see what you got! Also, you should join a blog hop sometime, they are good to get some new readers! Be sure to post her blog so I can check it out!

    1. Thanks, I'm excited to show! Oh really? I've never heard of it, I'll definitely check it out, thanks!
      I definitely will. (:


  2. Glad you're back!! Can't wait to see what you've been hauling!

    1. Thanks, Jayne! I'm excited to post it. I finally got the Milani Liquif'eye!

  3. Yay! No wonder it was quiet here...hehe. I'm glad you had fun and glad that you wore layers of sunscreen!! lol
    Can't wait to see your posts!

    1. Haha, yeah.
      I was pretty busy and I didn't have wifi too often so it was difficult to find a time. I'm definitely glad I wore layers too since they weren't even enough to shield me from the sun! Thanks, Traci!

  4. Great! Can't wait to see whats next!
    -Imani Love

  5. Welcome back! <3

    xo- Tina


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